

(重要)新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴う対応について/Coronavirus Disease (COVID -19) updates





IELTS testing in Japan has not been affected, all test dates remain unchanged unless advised by your test centre.

Please do not attend your test if:

・ You have been overseas over the last 14 days; and

・You have been in contact with any person suspected to be exposed to coronavirus; or

・ You have a cold, fever, are short of breath or have flu-like symptoms

・You do not agree that test centre can disclose my contact information if Health Authorities request it.

If any of the above applies to you, please reply to this email we will reschedule your test or provide you with a refund.

On test day, we appreciate your cooperation in following basic hygiene practices such as using a hand-sanitiser.

We will open the window (between each component of written test or each speaking test) for ventilation in order to prevent infection.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact us from here.

Face masks

You are welcome to bring with you a face mask that covers your mouth and nose, and wear this during your test. If you use a mask, you will be requested to remove it temporarily for photo identification and other purposes. You may find that staff and examiners are wearing face masks on test day.

Looking after your health

Your health and safety is our top priority. More information on protecting yourself from COVID-19 is available here: